DNS Settings



Last Update hace un año

Domains - DNS Settings

For Shared Hosting clients (any plan).

DNS records management (A, MX, CNAME, TXT, etc.) is available in the Hosting Control Panel (Plesk), section Websites & Domains - example.com - DNS Settings.

DNS records of NS (NameServers) type are set or changed only in the domain registry (nic.lv, godaddy.com, joker.com, etc.). If the domain was purchased from GARMTECH, then NS will be installed by default. In all other cases, you need to specify or change NS (NameServers) yourself at the domain registry.

For customers of Virtual Server (any plan) or customers who are purchasing a domain (without hosting plan) and other services.

DNS record management (A, MX, CNAME, TXT, etc.) is available in the Client System https://my.garmtech.com/login - Domains - DNS Manager.

DNS records of NS (NameServers) type are set or changed only in the domain registry (nic.lv, godaddy.com, joker.com, ...). If you are registering a new domain or using a previously registered domain, then you need to change the NS (NameServers) records to the following:



*All records that existed before the DNS modification must be deleted.

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